Saturday, June 28, 2014

Journal #2

In class this week we were assigned to read articles out of the book (E) dentity now the first article discussed our “(E) dentitys". This article discussed some of the things that go on with being an internet dependent society. It included talking about things like how ads now know where you have been so that they may be able to predict what you are interested in. Also it talked about how everywhere we go on the internet we are leaving traces behind about what we have been doing. In my opinion the internet is a very valuable resource but it is one that can be overused in some aspects. Many things these days are out on the internet and they are very useful for us but it is easy to get sidetracked on the internet. With this comes the big problem of kids not going outside to play but rather go play a computer game.

As that problem emerges there is only one way that I see us turning this around and that is get kids excited about hobbies. For me I have always loved sports so I have tried to play them as much as I can but even with that I will occasionally catch myself getting sidetracked on the Internet. So parents need to try to not only monitor time spent on electric devices but also encourage their kids to take up hobbies that don’t have to do with video games or the television. I think through this we will be able to establish a (E) dentity without it becoming our identity. 

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